B.A.R.B. at SongStar

From Abbie Banks
Rotonda, Florida

Hank and Dotty Hull
This wonderful photo was taken on one of our trips to Merritt island. Dotty had a favorite restaurant that served catfish and that is where this was taken. We always had wonder times with them.

Dotty, the Twinkling Star

You are not with us now in reality
Perhaps you are in the midnight sky
Twinkling down as a star in the dark blue sea.

What if you are the Robin perched in a tree
Sing songing your happy tune
So all of us can enjoy the melody.

Maybe you are that delightful Fritillary
Nectaring hither and yon and
Brings beauty to our eye to see.

Could all of these be our precious Dotty?

She came and stayed, delightfully shared
her many talents far and wide.
Her bright warm smile, twinkling eyes
Could not be compared.

Yes, she is the twinkling star in the sky,
The happy robin in the tree
And the lovely Fritillary butterfly.

She will be with us every day
On the different paths that we follow
She is in all the beauty around us
In a most special Dotty way.

Abbie Banks
For Dotty Hull,
My most admired person
I have ever known


Denise MartinLetter to Denise Martin


Dear Denise,

This morning I saw your buddy, Al the gator. I went out on the lanai and looked across the canal and waved a hello from you to himhe just smiled. I was going to take a photo and send it to you but, then I thoughtyou can see everything every where now.

Denise, I loved your writings. When I read them it was in a British accent. There are a lot of Brits here in Florida and so I am quite familiar with the accent.

All of your friends here on SongStar will surely miss all of your wonderful, amusing storiesall the tales about bumperman, Dodo, your kids on the block that you shared everything with and tales of the docks, and the luncheons looking out on the water with a glass of vino tinto, the trips to the country to see all your special birds, the story of your caddywampus feeder, your backyard, the church steeple that you could see and all the pigeons and all the men that you charmed. We were blessed with your delicious humor.

I regret not ever meeting you in person however, the many emails we shared brought you close into my heart. We did speak a bit on the phone when I was in Spain and that was a real treat.

You brought sunshine to us and we loved every minute of your escapades.

Denise, you surely will be missed.

Love to you,

B.A.R.B. at SongStar SongStar home

Copyright © 2010 by Abbie Banks and Richard L. Becker